A team of our peacebuilders in the Congo live in an orphanage where self-isolating is not an option.  The Co-vid pandemic has resulted in inflated prices where there is both a shortage of food and critical sanitary supplies.  We have established an emergency fund to directly protect the children at the orphanage.  Thank you for considering helping the most vulnerable during this time of crisis.  100% of your donation is directed towards the youth with no administrative overhead.  Unite with the global community for #GivingTuesdayNow.

Youth Advocacy Projects

Never Again International – Canada operates in Rwanda and the eastern region of the Democratic Republic of the Congo, working directly with children affected by conflict.  

Ongoing conflicts in this region have destroyed the lives of many children and uprooted many families.  Never Again International – Canada promotes a culture of peace, reconciliation and respect for human rights by working alongside youth in the eastern regions of the Democratic Republic of the Congo.  Preventing the recruitment of children into fighting forces is key to stopping the cycle of violence and preventing future genocides.  


Our projects focus on peacebuilding and stopping the recruitment and use of child soldiers.  Never Again International – Canada works with youth in Rwanda and the Democratic Republic of the Congo on projects that promote mutual understanding, respect and use of conflict transformation processes in order to build sustainable peace. 

Youth peacebuilders with Never Again International – Canada are raising awareness about the unlocked potential that girls in conflict zones have to make a difference to end wars and human rights abuses and meet the Sustainable Development Goals.

Never Again International – Canada actively promotes demobilization of child soldiers in armed groups and provides education and healing in order to rehabilitate from the traumas of war.  Youth who are living through the atrocities of conflict actively participate in campaigns to advocate for peace and genocide prevention. 


A primary focus of our work in the Democratic Republic of the Congo is to keep war-affected children and demobilized child soldiers away from armed groups by keeping them in school. 

Your donation can make it possible for war-affected youth to actively engage in peacebuilding initiatives and allows youth who are unable to pay for school fees to become the next generation of peacemakers.