A team of our peacebuilders in the Congo live in an orphanage where self-isolating is not an option.  The Co-vid pandemic has resulted in inflated prices where there is both a shortage of food and critical sanitary supplies.  We have established an emergency fund to directly protect the children at the orphanage.  Thank you for considering helping the most vulnerable during this time of crisis.  100% of your donation is directed towards the youth with no administrative overhead.  Unite with the global community for #GivingTuesdayNow.

Learn more about Never Again International – Canada

NAI-C engages youth around the world in activities that build sustainable peace.  We are a youth-based not-for profit organization on a mission to prevent genocide, eliminate the proliferation of child soldiers and defend human rights through education.

Youth reach out to their communities to end the crime against humanity of exploiting child soldiers in conflict. Our peace advocates educate their peers about Holocaust remembrance and how they can become effective peacemakers to help prevent genocide.

NAI-C aims to build the capacity of the youth to empower youth to be better equipped to educate their peers about preventing crimes against humanity. Never Again International – Canada is working hand in hand with the youth in the Democratic Republic of the Congo and Rwanda to promote peace, non-violence, demobilization of child soldiers, respect for human rights and gender equality.  Justice can only be achieved by prioritizing gender equality as a fundamental component of building peace.

Never Again International – Canada unites youth of all backgrounds all over the world, including former child soldiers and war-affected children. In accordance with the Convention on the Rights of the Child, Never Again International – Canada works to improve educational opportunities for children. We believe that youth can bring about transformative change.

NAI-C leaders in Rwanda are empowering young peace builders to be leaders in contributing to
genocide prevention.

NAI-C in the Democratic Republic of the Congo is creating a safe-house for former child combatants and orphans and replacing the guns of war with putting backpacks in the hands of children. Our youth programs help children overcome the trauma of one of the most forgotten crises in the world.


We work with youth in the Congo to reintegrate child soldiers into the community where they can become productive members of society. We demobilize and reintegrate child soldiers in a human rights context in accordance with the Convention on the Rights of the Child and the Geneva Conventions.

You are invited to join our youth on a mission to generate ideas and actions for peace and to stop the use of child soldiers in conflicts globally.